Around the World in 80 Meals

A Case Study

tablet with search results in front of dinner plate with food map of the world


Around the World in 80 Meals is a responsive web application for the serious home chef. Find instant access to recipes from all around the globe. Explore unique features such as side-by-side recipe comparisons and the swap library.

Travelling with your taste buds has never been more accessible.

Role: UI/UX Design, Research, and Testing

Project scale: 2 months

Produced for: Career Foundry UI Course

User Research

I selected interview candidates across a spectrum of age, race, and professions, who all shared a noted penchant for exploratory home cooking.

Each user engaged in a half-hour video interview covering their cooking habits, food preferences, and experience with recipe apps on the market.

From those interviews I distilled the recurring themes, desires, and concerns into three personas to guide the app development process.

persona profile of user Robert
persona profile of user Julia
persona profile of user Alyssa

Paper Prototype

With the goals of the personas in mind, I embarked on a rapid series of sketches in order to form a paper prototype to take into user testing.

Two unique features for the app came directly from user desires identified during the research phase: the recipe comparison screen and the swap library.

paper sketch of 80 Meals home page
paper sketch of 80 Meals recipe page
paper sketch of 80 Meals recipe box page
paper sketch of 80 Meals compare recipes page
paper sketch of 80 Meals shopping list page
paper sketch of 80 Meals ingredient swap page

Preference Testing

Alongside the paper prototype, I created two stylistic variants of the app landing page and set up an online A/B preference test on UsabilityHub.

option a landing page for preference test
option b landing page for preference test

73% of test participants preferred option B, indicating a clear and significant preference for bold and solid color over the more sketch-like style of option A.


With data from both sets of user tests, the following style guide developed.



Headings: Sukhumvit Set Bold

Copy: Sukhumvit Set Regular



Numbers: Galvji Regular

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Copy Guide

Language throughout the app will be written in a professional, informative tone. Words and metaphor reflective of travel and exploration should be used where appropriate. This site aims to express delight, knowledge, and richness of experience.

Color Palette

Slate #23212B Rose #B02D44 Orange #DA3E0B Smoke #8C8C8C Linen #C7BFB4 Lemon #E6B700 Lime #8DA222


Around the World in 80 Meals plays, of course, on the title of Jules Verne’s 1872 adventure novel.

The hot air balloon of the logo emulates that spirit of adventure. The scaleable vector graphic is composed of multiple layered curves and boolean shapes to achieve this colorful and recognizable form.

Over the course of testing and refinement, the logo evolved from the initial image used in the preference test to the form seen here.

half and half finished logo and construction drawing of hot air balloon vector

Logo Construction

small logo for 80 meals app menu
80 meals app icon

Menu Logo

App Icon

User Interface Design



Designed on a 12 column responsive grid,
Including multiple breakpoints,
Users can access the site anywhere from any device.

phone, tablet, desktop, and laptop displaying screens from the 80 Meals app



Search the world for international flavors.
Use the world map to explore recipes by region.
Or simply search what you’re craving. Anyone for chicken?

phone displaying search results for chicken, excited woman holding phone, orange backrgound, floating map continents



Compare recipes side by side to find your favorite.
See up to 4 recipes simultaneously.

3 phones showing recipes and recipe comparison page


Shop and Swap

Create in-app shopping lists from your saved recipes.

Can’t find an ingredient you need? Swap it out!

The swap library offers a comprehensive database of ingredient substitutions.

3 phones showing recipes and recipe comparison page



Save your favorites and assign your recipes to custom categories.

Changed your mind? Easily organize your recipes your way.

Take a guided tour through regional cuisines with pre-selected courses or forge your own path.

Remove guesswork, focus on flavor families, and manage ingredients to reduce waste.

series of screen mockups of recipe box pages from 80 Meals

Future Thoughts

User research and testing grounded the design process for Around the World in 80 Meals. Certain ideas, like comparing recipes and swapping ingredients, came entirely from the users themselves.

Many flows and features, however, had to be left on the cutting room floor.

Around the World in 80 Meals originally included a section for linked articles as well as reviews, which would supplement the recipes and give users the option of learning about the cultural history of dishes and ingredients in more depth.

The users who participated in the initial research all expressed interest in this feature, but it simply did not rate highly enough to make the MVP.

This expanded knowledge center would be a great feature set to revisit future iterations of the app.